Taimanin asagi characters
Taimanin asagi characters

taimanin asagi characters

  • Faux Action Girl: Zigzagged between being genuine Action Girls and this.
  • Dude Magnet: Many of the female Taimanins fit this description, but in a Crapsack World filled with depraved rapists, this isn't a good thing.
  • Demon Slaying: Their main job, hence the name "Anti-Demon Ninja".
  • Combat Stilettos: All female taimanins wear them, because Rule of Sexy.
  • Color-Coded Characters: Each has their own uniquely colored uniform.
  • The Fridge Brilliance in this is that most taimanins acquire their abilities genetically, as its implied that all taimanins have some form of demon lineage. Also, the Mizuki, Akiyama, and Kokawa families have apparently been Taimanins for generations. Examples include the Igawa sisters (Asagi and Sakura) and the Yatsu siblings(Murasaki, Kurou, and Aiko).
  • Badass Family: The occupation seems to be a family business.
  • Badass Crew: They are a group of super powered, Demon Slaying ninjas.
  • This can be subverted in the series's many Downer Ending routes, but those are all non-canon to the main story, and are more like What If scenarios. It's also one of the only explanations for why every Taimanin who has gotten tortured/raped, ESPECIALLY Asagi, hasn't gone completely insane.
  • Angst? What Angst?: Being able to invoke this trope seems to be a job requirement.
  • While most of the Taimanin featured are female, there are several male members within their ranks, notable examples include Kurou Yatsu and Tatsurou Akiyama.
  • Action Girl: Many of the female Taimanins, although they tend to zigzag between this and Faux Action Girls.
  • However, more experienced veteran Taimanins have been known to go on sole missions. Usually taimanins are often paired in teams of two when going on missions, sometimes three or more depending on the missions. Younger taimanins are trained at Gosha Academy. Most taimanins live in the fictional village of Gokuruma, which double as their base of operation. Asagi's Super Speed, Sakura's ability to travel through shadows, Yukikaze's ability to generate lighting, and etc.). Each taimanin seems to have their own unique superhuman ability (e.g. A group of super powered ninjas task with dealing with the corruptions created by demons and "evil influenced" people.

    Taimanin asagi characters